At the AGM held on the 19th of Aeptember 2023 the following Membership fees has been accepted for the 2023*2024 Season. The season will run from October 2023 to September 2024, and will then follow with seasons running from October to September going forward.
Joining Fees: (Once off)
R50 per application
Membership fees: (Annually)
Mini-Juniors: R50 per child (under the age of 12)
Juniors: R250 per child (under the age of 19)
Seniors: R400 per person (under the age of 50)
Masters: R400 per person (under the age of 60)
Veterans: R250 per person (over the age of 60)
Ladies: R250 per person (over the age of 19)
Competition Fees:
Mini-Juniors / Juniors: R50
All other categories: R70
Mini-Juniors / Juniors: R70
All other categories: R100
Farmers Fees (Camping and venue fees):
All Farmers fees are to be paid to the Treasurer upon arrival at the venue. Farmer fees will be communicated prior to each competitions, and will also be communicated on the Google Form used for the attendance register. Farmer Fees vary from Farmer to Farmer.